Wednesday, May 6, 2015


1. commute - солих, хөнгөлөлтийн билет
2. garbage - үлдэгдэл, хог новш
3. limber up - бие халаах, уян хатан
4. freely - чөлөөтэй, дураараа,илэн далангуй
5. perhaps - магадгүй, таамаглал
6. parachute - шүхэр, уурхайн шүхэр
7. borrow - зээлээр авах, зээллэх
8. lend - зээллэг, зээлдүүлэх
9. react - урвалд орох
10. sidewalk - явган хүний зам
11. wallet - хэтэвч, түрийвч, хайрцаг
12. loan - зээл өр, зээлдсэн зүйл
13. rent - хагарах, хөлслөх, түрээс
14. afford - чадах, чадал хүрэх, хангах
15. degree - түвшин хэм, шат
16. blame - зэмлэл, зэмлэх, буруутгах
17. snack - хөнгөн зууш
18. healthier - чийрэгших
19. weigh - жин, жигнэх, цэгнэх, нөлөөлөх
20. allow - зөвшөөрөх


1. genius - гаргууд авьяастан суут хүн
2. bored - зүдэрсэн ядарсан
3. interested - сонирхсон
4. canoe - каноэ завь өвчүүн завь
5. motivate - өдөөх, үндэслэх
6. slouch - бөгциих
7. flunk - унах, муу дүн тавих
8. eligibility - сонгох эрх хүлээн зөвшөөрөх
9. importance - ач холбогдол
10. crowd - бөөн хүн шахцалдаан, бүжигчид
11. donation - хандив бэлэглэлт
12. impact - цохилтын хүч, цохилт
13. failure - бүтэлгүйтэл, эвдрэл
14. critical - шүүмжлэлтэй, ноцтой
15. junior - залуу бага, дүү, залуу хүн
16. seasoned - хат суусан, хатуужилтай
17. freshman - шинэ оюутан, шинэ хүн
18. avenue - өргөн чөлөө
19. opinion - санал бодол, дүгнэлт
20. confuse - төөрөгдүүлэх
21. embarrassed - ичих
22. astronomy - одон орон

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

If I were a magician….

We live in a magical world. We are surrounded by many wonderful things that we made them ourselves. Our planet is one of these magical creature. The scientists have not found any other planet which has alive organism so far. Earlier in the 19th century, visiting on the moon was just like a dream, but now it is extremely possible and as far as we are researching the moon. But most of us don’t understand it and ignore it.
If I say you are a magician, maybe you will admire and hesitate. But I will prove this. If you were magician, What would you do?. In my opinion most of you say that I’d like to buy luxury house, travel around the world, become rich, and so on. You are one of these people, you are seeing this from one sight. let’s see the other side your mind about magic.
The humankind have more ability and power than magic. Our body is well structured and work systematically. The more amazing thing is our brain which has ability to calculate better than any computer that have been made. The humans are creating new magical world.
We think something impossible today, but tomorrow that thing is possible. Our world is changing fast in every second and minute. In spite of you live in America, it is no problem to connect with someone who live in Asia.

Finally, you should be growth mindset. In this magical world, you can find your space and use your potential to create something wonderful. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

DO + work
DO + some research
DO + any good
DO + something
DO + my best
DO + the talking
DO + a lot of thinking
DO + the math

MAKE + a living
MAKE + excuse
MAKE + a difference
MAKE + a mistake
MAKE + fun of
MAKE + any sense
MAKE + an appointment
MAKE + a good impression
MAKE + sure
MAKE + an effort
MAKE + some nice comment
MAKE + up my mind
MAKE + a list
MAKE + a decision


1. afterwards - дараа, хожуу
2. deadline - товлосон хугацаа эцсийн хугацаа
3.  fabulous - аятайхан, сайхан
4. reservation - урьдчилсан захиалга
5. divide - хуваах
6. decision - шийдвэр
7. effort - хүч, чармайлт
8. impression - сэтгэгдэл
9. until -  хүртэл
10. muscular - булчинлаг
11. well-built - биеийн хөгжил сайтай
12. butter -цөцгийн тос
13. retail - жижиглэн
14. contain - агуулах
15. underestimate - дутуу үнэлэх
16. framing - угсралт
17. electrical - цахилгаан
18. registration - бүртгэл

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


1. pepper - халуун ногоо
2. fat - тарган
3. fried - шарсан
4. stream - жигнэх
5. bake - жигнэх, хайрах
6. roast -  шарсан мах, шарах
7. barbecue - шарсан мах
8. meat - мах
9. jar - сав
10. fry - жараахай 
11. salt - давс
12. hungry - өлсгөлөн
13. snack -  хөнгөн зууш
14. beef - үхрийн мах
15. package - хайрцаг, баглаа, боодол
16. slice - хэрчим
17. nutton - хонины мах
18. bottle - лонх
19. country - хөдөө

Sunday, March 8, 2015


1. gigantic - асар том аварга
2. niece - зээ охин
3. nephew - зээ хүү
4. stepson - дагавар хүүхэд
5. crawl - мөлхөх
6. separated - салсан
7. adopted - үрчлэгдсэн
8. demand - шаардлага
9. influence - нөлөөлөх
10. implement - хэрэгжүүлэх
11. front - урд урд талын
12. yell - хашгичах
13. rule - дүрэм журам
14. decide - шийдэх
15. strong - хүчтэй
16. bonding - холбоо
17. sibling - төрсөн ах, эгч
18. grade - оноо
19. aunt - нагац эгч


1. continent - тив эх газар
2. canyon - далайн эрэг
3. beaches - далайн эрэг
4. pacific - номхон далай
5. snorkel - амьсгалах гуурс
6. escalotor - цахилгаан шат
7. divorce - салалт, хагацал
8. wide - зэрлэг
9. canyon - хавцал
10. slow - удаан
11. delicious - амттай
12. bone - араг яс 
13 event - урилга
14. unusual - ер бусын ховор
15. draw - зурах

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


1. actually - үнэн хэрэгтээ үнэндээ
2.  formal - албан ёсны
3. training - сургалт бэлтгэл
4. sail - дарвуул дарвуулт завь
5. surfing - давалгаан дээх гулгах
6. surf - далайн давалгаа
7. contest - тэмцээн
8. injury - гэмтэл шшарх
9. cab - такси зөөврийн тэрэг
10. incredible - гайхамшигтэй
11. nestle - үүрлэх, үүрэнд амьдрах
12. numerous - олон тооны 
13. tropical fish - халуун орны загас
14. wander - хэрэн хэсүүчлэх
15. alphabet - цагаан толгой
16. during - турш
17. windsurfing - вендсурфинг
18. deep- гүнзгий
19. fun - хөгжилтэй
20. land - эдлэн газар

Friday, February 13, 2015

The person who I admire

                             There is no person who never heard and knew a basketball player Kobe Bryant because he is the greatest basketball player I ever seen. Although he is getting older, he is still a best player in NBA.
             Kobe Bryant was born in August 23, 1978, in Pennsylvania. The son of former NBA player Joe Bryant, Kobe Bryant enjoyed a successful high school basketball career at Lower Merion High School in Pennsylvania, where he was recognized as the top high school basketball player in the country. He entered the NBA directly from high school, and has played for the Lakers his entire career, winning five NBA Championships.
         He absolutely looks like Hollywood Star. He is tall, well-built and handsome, with friendly hollowed eyes, and Roman nose. His height is 1.98 meters. He is muscular and always going gym and doing body exercise. The athlete demands power to play basketball.
                   In his free time, he sings. In high school, Bryant was a member of a rap group called CHEIZAW, named after the Chi Sah gang in the martial arts film Kid with the Golden Arm. Also, many singers like him, because rapper Lil Wayne titled a song "Kobe Bryant" in 2009. Similarly, in 2010, the rapper Sho Baraka released a song called "Kobe Bryant On'em.
       He is the Best Basketball Player in the NBA today. His leadership qualities make him a champion and a playmaker. He is the best closer maybe of all time.

Wrote by Sukhbold

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Unit 1 Vocabulary book

 1.   1. badly

        2. unkind

        3. angry

        4. happy

2. 1. loose

    2. undemanding

    3. at the beginning

    4. slowly 

    5. easy

    6. diffirent

3. 1. impatient

    2. dishonest

    3. unfriendly

    4. imcompetent

    5. disorganized

    6. unhealthy

    7. inreliable

    8. inconsiderate


Wednesday, February 4, 2015


1. competitive - өрсөлдөх чадвартай
2. generous - өгөөмөр өглөгч
3. impeccable - өө сэвгүй
4. reliable - найдвартай
5. practical - бодит(жинхэнэ)
6. honest - үнэнч
7. arrogant - их зантай
8. down to earth - доод хязгаартай хүртэл унасан
9. dead-line - дуусах хугацаа
10. incredible - итгэмээргүй
11. though - гэвч
12. admire - бишрэх
13. basically - чухамдаа
14. fairly - шударгаар
15. laid-back - тайван, дөлгөөн
16. completely - бүрэн дүүрэн(adverb)
17. encourage - зоригжуулах дэмжих
18. versatile - төрөл бүрийн авьяастай
19. humble - даруухан
20. demand - эрэлт
21. polite - эелдэг 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015